Saturday, April 18, 2009


Made another early day out of today. We were out the door and in the car at 07:15 and at the mini-mart for some water and food at 07:30. Made it to MDA, the Micronesian Divers Association by 07:45 and got the low down on diving. Got fitted for most excellent gear and took to the waters an hour or so later. Granted, we weren't down there for long, but man! I think we're hooked on this scuba lark. Steve stared down a Moray Eel, and we tossed around a spongy starfish (better than cinder catch anyday). Renee Paradis was our instructor and we vowed to come back and get certified. If anyone is thinking about doing something like this, come to Guam. $159 will get you certified. Anywhere else is anywhere from $500 and above. Think about it babaaaay...

Hit up the most awesome McDonald's on base and crashed for a couple of hours. Frank and Ken, our contacts for today loaded us up and took us to Anderson Air Base, but made a couple of stops along the way for some fantastic sightseeing. Ooh and ahh at this...
Another hot, sweaty setup outside of Bamboo Willy's. We may have lost ten pounds each from sweat here in Guam, and added a few more here. A very picturesque view of the water was behind us, and a magnificent crowd to our front awaited us. A lot of younger folks tonight rocked with us and were very vocal and made us feel quite the rock stars. Having run out of CD's, we sadly had to pass out cards to everyone to get an album download for free. We intended to throw out the old merchandise box after this last show, but donated it to someone's bedroom setup. We're quite the recyclers.

The thing that sucks about working up a good sweat, is that at night we get cold. Tear down was a lengthly process, as we had to load gear into the truck, out of the truck and into the lock-up stage, our gear into the truck, then our gear into Kent's room. We ended up back at the rooms at around 1 am, and are getting picked up at 03:45. So...who's for a little bit of not sleeping!? The party was in Matt's room this time. Nobody had figured out his was the biggest, and was like a small condo.
sigh...the perks of being on top of the orders.

So this is it! The 2009 AFE Asian tour. It's been a whirlwind of a time for us and we've met some most excellent people. We're honored to have served those who serve us and can't thank them enough for having us out. It's been tough work at times, and at others quite the vacation. We'll wrap it all up tomorrow because if any of the previous travel days are any indication, we're in for one final crusade...getting home!

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